Saturday, October 8, 2016

Spell: Chance Meeting

There comes a time when we just have to admit no man is an island, you may need that investor, the connected socialite, or the right client to give you a run of financial increase. You may be looking for friends, love or an unknown someone to help push you in the right direction through their words, actions or connections. Whichever it is, this spell is for the unknown person or persons in your future (please note, this is not specifically a love spell, it is a meeting spell, if you use a name or intend a particular person for any reason, it won’t work)

large (7 day) red candle

2 small white votive candles

patchouli incense

12 rose petals any or a variety of colour works best

1 Tablespoon sea salt

purified, fresh spring, rainwater

Sharp paring knife

Power circle

Fehu to be drawn


Pentagram power circle

Best time: Within the 3 days before the full moon, and not after the full moon, at night when the moon is high.

Light the incense

pour the water into a bowl, drop the rose petals into the bowl and sprinkle the salt over the top, stand it beside your altar to start.

And rinse your hands in the rose water (this is even more potent if you have this by the window where the moon can shine onto the water) As you rinse your hands say out loud,

‘Lessons learned I wash away, new experiences are on their way;

On the red candle, carve the runes symbol, and the interlocked male female symbol and place the candle in the centre of your power circle, place the white candles to the left and right about 2 inches in front to form a triangle.

As you Light the red candle only and chant

 ‘this flame represents my burning desire; I summon the energies to draw to me any person that can help me on my journey. He or She will be here soon morning, night or afternoon.’

Once again dip your hands in the rose water and imagine what you would like to happen, see it in as much detail as possible. As you roll your hands in a hand cleaning motion in the rose water.

Then light the white candle on the left (don’t dry your hands) return your hands to the water continue the rolling motion and imagine either the same thing or another thing it is up to you, you can focus on business, the heart or a project or all three. Then light the second candle with wet hands.

Pick up the kyanite and hold it in both hands, now simply look into the rose water and relax allowing the energy to build, you may see something in the water or not, it doesn’t matter. But do this for around 5 minutes, to sit with your intention, let your mind wander in a daydream of creative exploration.

Place the kyanite in the center of your triangle (if it is a larger piece make allowances for that when you set the votive s.

(kyanite is used for soul connections with the past, present of future individuals that have, can and will play a role in your life.)

This candle needs to burn for seven days. Don’t blow it out or leave it in a place where someone else might blow it out. Extinguish The votives and leave your altar in place.

Every night, rinse your hands in the rose water, and light the votives, then spend 5 or more minutes imagining what you want to happen, this may vary but that’s okay. Extinguish the votives when finished, repeat for 7 days.

Pour the rose water into a plant or the garden not down the sink to drain away with waste water.

Art Journaling: Clear Negative Thinking

Art Journaling is an amazing way to move through feelings using your creative mind rather than rational thought process. There is no judgement you are simply expressing and releasing. Negative thinking rarely comes from external situations; we call that worry. but when we dive into a realm of self-criticism this sets an energy that can act like glue for drawing damaging experiences. This can be done as often as necessary and best done when you are spiraling down into the quagmire of weighty self-criticism.


I Gesso my paper, as this is a grimoire not an art journal it is important that healing pages don’t leak or damage other pages. Gesso strengthens the page and holds paint well, it can be used as a semi absorbent paint and is cheaper than actual paint in general.

Place newspaper or something for over spray, paint or glue to ensure you don’t stick two pages together.

You will need any or all of these: water colour, inks, acrylics, pencil, markers, crayons (water soluble is best as you can smudge and spread them like paint)

magazines or any items that take your fancy for collaging pictures. favourite sayings, I don’t use fancy craft project stencils or stamps but you may wish to.

Step 1: Write in pencil, everything you don’t like about yourself right now, and i do mean everything, it can be harsh, angry or a pity party, but it must only be about you. If you need to fill more than a pair of facing pages, then write over what you have already written until you are done.  If you gesso the page first, let it dry overnight before you try to write on it or you will indent the paint.

Step 2:

put a thin film of gesso (you can see this above) or white mixing paint over your writing to create a barrier between the writing and the colours you are about to add, you can stick down base pictures or collage items at this point, these are the base structure for your overall picture. (the pink is tissue from a purchased item so wee, recycling rocks)

Step 3:

The idea here is not to hide the core or base negativity of the picture but to use it as a base structure for something that you love, enjoy and find beautiful, it can have meaning or just be pretty, entirely up to you. just keep drawing, painting collaging and adding to your picture. use colours you enjoy, pictures that make you happy or represent something you like about yourself. Just keep building upon what you have, if you don’t like something, no worries, just paint or stick something you do like over it. Make sure your picture is dry at each stage before you try to draw or paint over something or you could end up with a bit of a mess.

Step 4:

Complete any bits you like. I treated this like an evening project over 4 days, which was pleasant as a time filler and allows you to become totally focused on creating something purely enjoyable. I hope you give this a go as it is cathartic and in itself helps to shift a mind stuck on the slippery slope of past behaviours.


Mercury Retrograde Magic Spell

I personally believe there can be some influence with a retrograde, but don’t believe it is at the bottom of every computer glitch or miscommunication. I do believe that where there is an existing weakness it is more likely to come to the fore when the influencing energies are pronounced. This also means that there is a positive spin on Mercury retrograde, like all things it has two faces, because it reveals the weakness, the cracks and the chinks that need to be smoothed over, ironed out and if I could think of any more metaphors I surely would.

On that note there are two ways you can deal with a retrograde, depending on how you feel you are being influenced and what you want to achieve, you can try to negate it (remembering that it is a global energy) or you can try to get inside it and use the energy, (this is definitely a Dorothy method), I don’t care how much it hurts, I am going to drive to the heart of the matter wherever possible.

Spell 1: Reversal

Perform this spell before any major event, show, meeting or one on one communication, for example an interview.

You’ll Need:

a light blue or silver spell candle

candle holder

Clear Quartz Crystal (enhances clarity and comprehension in any given moment)

Crysoprase Crystal (is the master of full and complete communications)

Paring knife

Polarity Balancing Power Circle

The first thing you’ll want to do is butt your candle. This is when you cut the tip off the candle, turn it upside down and release the wick from the bottom of the candle.  This turns any candle in a reversing candle which, it is worth noting, can work to flip things or undo something already done.

The top part of the candle, where your new candle tip is, is the reversing half of your candle.  The bottom half becomes a tool for attracting something don’t snip the wick off, it will stand in a holder usually. Here we’re going to attract protection against any further Mercury Retrograde problems, attract solutions, and negate any further interference in the situation.

Once you’ve done this use the knife to carve a notch in the center of the candle to mark where the reversal part will end and where the attracting part will begin.  Carve the symbol for Mercury into the wax in upside down, crossing the centre of the candle.

Set up your power circle with the two crystals. the crysoprase above the centre, and the Quartz just below (you will place the candle in the middle.

Image result for mercury symbol

When you’re done hold the candle between both hands at your heart center and consider the areas causing you distress, or the areas you want to run smoothly during the retrograde.  when you are ready place it in your candle holder and chant as you light it:

Freyja I call on you to control your unruly child
Holding issues at bay until another day
Sailing smooth, paths direct
As I reverse, so I attract
As I say it to be, it becomes a fact
Light the candle and let it burn all the way down in one lighting {this may mean planning ahead so that you can be sure to let it burn all at once}. While it is burning focus on positive outcomes, resolution and good feelings. You are the master of your echo blaster,,,

Spell 2: Harnessing Mercury Retrograde

Retrograde also means to revert, this can be to an earlier and inferior state, or directed/moving backwards. Use this option if things have got out of control and you wish to return to an earlier state, this state will be one you were happier with or which left you more options going forward. Great when you want a relationship to find its footing and stability, or to step back from responsibilities that have become overwhelming.

Do remember that you moved beyond this state, so a return will be in the form of opportunity that you will need to accept, for example, if you set yourself up as the go to person, and aren’t enjoying the role now everyone wants your time, you will see opportunities for others to take on the role or parts of it, to make this work you will need to relinquish your control or autonomy.  If it is a relationship, things must have been wrong to get to a point you wish to undo, you will be called upon to deal with these areas as a means to return. Some of these will be your own beliefs, behaviours or areas that need developing, refusing to acknowledge these will lead to failure. Lastly if it is business oriented, and you have set yourself on a path that has led you where you didn’t expect or want to go, this spell will help set you BACK on the correct course for your original intention, take note that this could mean a rough ride, it is Mercury after all which is modeled on Hermes the trickster,, this is not a do over and as always, you can’t control others so once your situation has broken, or ended, this spell is not an option, it is to revert a situation in play to an earlier preferred state.

check the calendar to find out how many days are left of the retrograde, you will need a big enough candle to burn each day. (for example if you start at the beginning and there are 13 days to the retrograde, you will need a candle big enough to burn for 5 minutes each day, for bigger issues I recommend starting at the very beginning.

Light Blue Candle

Pentagram Power Circle

Pad Paper (as many as you need to write each issue or area down)

Clary Sage oil

a small box (to place folded papers in when completed)

Blue Ribbon

Place the candle in the middle of your power circle, anoint with the clary sage.

Light the candle, then write on the paper where your situation is out of hand, be very clear. I.E. if you are fighting with your partner and don’t know how to put things back the way they were, if you are communicating badly, if your finances are so deeply in debt, or if your time commitments are overwhelming you, what actually is it that you feel is in control of you or your situation. what decision did you make, what words did you utter, what belief got you where you are today?

For each situation (if there is more than one) use a fresh piece of paper. Once written, dab Clary Sage once in the centre of each.

Fold the paper in half, lift the candle and as you drip wax onto the open end to seal it chant:

Mercury Mercury lend me your Ear

I have a problem that causes me fear

Turn back the clock, take me back to the past

do this quick, do this fast

On the folded half write down exactly where you want to be, not a date, but the situation or environment, remember the time just before things started to go wrong, just before that decision. Fold the paper in half again, and drip more candle wax to seal it. Place it in the box.

Repeat with any other situation you wish to rectify.

Every day, anoint your candle with the oil and light it on your altar (leave it there through the whole period as energy builds) remove your paper and drip wax then fold, (the best way to do this for 7 or more-day period is concertina style), just folding over one edge sticking it with the wax and the next day folding that and sticking it with wax. Chanting the mantra each day as you create the seal.

On the last day, use the candle to drip the wax onto the top and use a ribbon to wrap it, as a present, sticking the ribbon with the seal to the paper. place it under your pillow for the night, then back in the box. 7 days after the retrograde has completed, take your papers place them in a saucer and burn them, your spell is done now it is time for the energies to do their magic. Take note of any signs, dreams or moments of clarity, and act on them to get the results you seek.