Saturday, October 8, 2016

Spell: Chance Meeting

There comes a time when we just have to admit no man is an island, you may need that investor, the connected socialite, or the right client to give you a run of financial increase. You may be looking for friends, love or an unknown someone to help push you in the right direction through their words, actions or connections. Whichever it is, this spell is for the unknown person or persons in your future (please note, this is not specifically a love spell, it is a meeting spell, if you use a name or intend a particular person for any reason, it won’t work)

large (7 day) red candle

2 small white votive candles

patchouli incense

12 rose petals any or a variety of colour works best

1 Tablespoon sea salt

purified, fresh spring, rainwater

Sharp paring knife

Power circle

Fehu to be drawn


Pentagram power circle

Best time: Within the 3 days before the full moon, and not after the full moon, at night when the moon is high.

Light the incense

pour the water into a bowl, drop the rose petals into the bowl and sprinkle the salt over the top, stand it beside your altar to start.

And rinse your hands in the rose water (this is even more potent if you have this by the window where the moon can shine onto the water) As you rinse your hands say out loud,

‘Lessons learned I wash away, new experiences are on their way;

On the red candle, carve the runes symbol, and the interlocked male female symbol and place the candle in the centre of your power circle, place the white candles to the left and right about 2 inches in front to form a triangle.

As you Light the red candle only and chant

 ‘this flame represents my burning desire; I summon the energies to draw to me any person that can help me on my journey. He or She will be here soon morning, night or afternoon.’

Once again dip your hands in the rose water and imagine what you would like to happen, see it in as much detail as possible. As you roll your hands in a hand cleaning motion in the rose water.

Then light the white candle on the left (don’t dry your hands) return your hands to the water continue the rolling motion and imagine either the same thing or another thing it is up to you, you can focus on business, the heart or a project or all three. Then light the second candle with wet hands.

Pick up the kyanite and hold it in both hands, now simply look into the rose water and relax allowing the energy to build, you may see something in the water or not, it doesn’t matter. But do this for around 5 minutes, to sit with your intention, let your mind wander in a daydream of creative exploration.

Place the kyanite in the center of your triangle (if it is a larger piece make allowances for that when you set the votive s.

(kyanite is used for soul connections with the past, present of future individuals that have, can and will play a role in your life.)

This candle needs to burn for seven days. Don’t blow it out or leave it in a place where someone else might blow it out. Extinguish The votives and leave your altar in place.

Every night, rinse your hands in the rose water, and light the votives, then spend 5 or more minutes imagining what you want to happen, this may vary but that’s okay. Extinguish the votives when finished, repeat for 7 days.

Pour the rose water into a plant or the garden not down the sink to drain away with waste water.

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